First Name:
Last Name:
Type of BP
Technical solution
Typology of Non- Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) What kind of NCWR do you deal with ?:
Municipal wastewater (MWW)
What are the challenges raised by your Best Practice?
Water for irrigation and food production is not available, Environmental pollution, NCW not valued locally, High treatment cost, Low sustainability of the treatment system
How could you describe your Best Practice?
Innovative wastewater treatment system, combining grey (UASB reactor, UV disinfection) and green (constructed wetland) infrastructure for treating and reuse wastewater from a touristic island. The effluent is in line with European Regulation for wastewater reuse 2020/741 in class A (highest quality), and reused for fertigating an Agroforestry system (HYDRO 2)
Please describe your Best Practice in 5 keywords?
Nature-based Solutions, nutrient recovery, fertigation, circular economy, Water
In which area has your Best Practice been implemented ?
Rural area
Best Practice location implementation (Country)
POINT (25.97979 39.23352)
Who are the beneficiaries and/or the target group of your Best Practice ?
Water Utilities, Local Population, Farmers
f the Best Practice has been implemented within a partnership, who were your partners ?
HYDROUSA Consortium; Municipality of Western Lesvos
Have you involved stakeholders?
Please list them
To be asked to the partner Impact Hub Athens, leader of dissemination and community engagement WP9 (Dimitris Kokkinakis -
What are the obstacles to implementation of Best Practice ?
Lack of dissemination of success stories related to NCW, Isuffi cient funding instruments to support solution for NCW
Did you receive funding for the research and development of the proposed BP?
Please indicate the source of funding
EU funding
What difficulties you have faced to access the funding ?
Low success rate of Horizon 2020 funding scheme
Has your Best Practice been validated/upscaled?
The Best Practice has been validating by the detailed monitoring campaign done during the project. Moreover, the HYDRO 1 (without UV disinfection) has passed the Quick Scan phase for ETV (European Technology Verification) as a wastewater treatment solution discharging with effluent quality in class A of European Regulation 2020/741 in class A (highest quality). The SVP (Specific Verification Protocol) is expected to be submitted by the end of the year. The ETV is expected to be got by the end of the project (July 2023).
Is there the potential to exploit/outscale the Best Practice?
The potential of exploitation/outscale is under investigation within the HYDROUSA project in two ways. Firstly, the transferability potentiality of the solution are under investigation within WP7 (WP leader: Università Politecnica delle Marche; prof. Francesco Fatone -; on this regards; HYDRO 1 has already got funds for the transferability site on the Island of Gorgona (Italy). Secondly, the business model of the HYDRO 1 + HYDRO 2 is under investigation within WP8 (WP leader: Semide; Eric Mino -
Do you have or know any platform of sharing Best Practice that you would like to link to this inventory platform?
Does your Best Practice contribute to an innovation? If so, please provide a short description of the innovative component
The main innovation is the combination of several technologies (e.g. UASB, wetlands, disinfection) to close water-food-energy loops at small decentralised scale.
What technolog(ies) and/or tool(s) has(ve) been used for your Best Practice ?
HYDRO 1. Upflow sludge blanket reactor (UASB); vertical subsurface flow saturated wetlands (VF SAT), vertical subsurface flow unsaturated wetlands (VF UNSAT), Sludge drying reed beds (SDRB), Composter, UV disinfection., HYDRO 2: Agroforestry
Please indicate the acronyms of used &/or developed technologies/Tools
Please indicate the TRL associated with your Best Practice
TRL8 : System complete and qualifi ed
Flow rate (m3/day)
What is the necessary area to implement your BP ?
HYDRO 1: about 880 m2; HYDRO 2 (Agroforestry): about 1 hectare
Suspended solids SS (mg/l)
Comment : Suspended solids SS
100 - 400 mg/L
COD (mg/l), Chemical Oxygen Demand
Comment : COD
150 - 1000 mg/L
BOD5 (mg/l)
Comment : BOD5
100 - 400 mg/L
Nitrogen content (mg/l)
N-NH4 30 - 60 mg/L
Flow rate (m3/day) of treated NCW
Flow rate of treated NCW
Winter conditions: 15 to 30 m3/d; Summer conditions: 50 to 100 m3/d
What is the average number of people producing this NCW flow per day (number of population)
What is the average number of people producing this NCW flow per day
Efficiency (BOD5 % Removal)
> 90%
Comment : Efficiency (COD % Removal):
> 90%
Efficiency (SS % Removal):
> 90%
What is the impact on the beneficiaries of your Best Practice ?:
Environmental (low pollution, biodiversity); Social (fertigation, brand new jobs)
Total Cost (€):
Ecosystem, Field irrigation, Recycling
What is the quantity of treated NCW produced by the Best Practice that has been sold to user (m3/day) ?
No selling
Price of treated NCW
To be requested to the WP8 leader (Semide; Eric Mino
How your Best Practice is economically feasible ?
Cheaper than convention WWTP at decentralised scale
Is your Best Practice socially acceptable ?
Is your Best Practice economically viable ?
Is your Best Practice environmentally sustainable ?
If there was a sustainability assessment carried out, what are the result of this assessment ?
LCA analysis was developed in WP6 (WP Leader: Brunel university; Alban Echchelh;
Comment : Number of jobs created &/or preserved
To be requested to the WP8 leader (Semide; Eric Mino
Please indicate the other various social impact of your Best Practice :
Preservation of living environment, Sustaining natural ecosystems
To which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) your Best Practice contributes?
SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG14: Life Below Water, SDG15: Life on Land, SDG17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Wastewater from waste to resource through NBS
Have you any recommendation to add?
Contact the project coordinator Simos Malamis (NTUA - )