
The graph below shows the range of performances for the different typologies of NCWR.

Average Total Cost (euro/m3 terated/day)

The figure below shows the range of the average total cost (euro) per treated NCW (m3) and per day. It is an average total cost without consideration of depreciation.

Average Total Cost (euro/p.e.)

The figure below shows the range of the average total cost (euro) per population equivalent (p.e.) for municipal wastewater (considering water consumption of 180L/p.e and 80% of discharge).

Average O&M Cost (euro/m3 terated/day)

The figure below shows the range of the average operation and maintenance (O&M) cost (euro) per treated NCW (m3) and per day.

Average O&M Cost (euro/p.e.)

The figure below shows the range of the average operation and maintenance (O&M) per population equivalent (p.e.) for municipal wastewater.

Average benefit of reuse

The range of the average total cost per day of treated NCW sold to the users.

Land footprint (m2/m3/day)

The range of the land necessary for the treatment of NCW per (m3/day).

Land footprint (m2/p.e.)

The figure below shows the range of the land (m2) per population equivalent (p.e.) for municipal wastewater treatment.