- Waterose is a student-led social entrepreneurship initiative aimed at promoting the reuse of…
- The Living green wall LGW is a system for treating grey water, recycling it in toilet flushes after…
- Water scarcity causes food insecurity and will hamper the energy supply, which are the two main…
- Promotion of the integration of Non Conventional Water Resources in the national water management…
- The experimental activity aims to verify the potential of the membrane gas extraction technique for…
- Sludge is used for ammonia stripping in the pilot WWTP, the plant is also equipped with a system…
- Desalination plant of brackish groundwater, extending membrane’s lifetime with innovative treatment…
- In the proposed system, greywater from showers, baths and wash-hand basins is collected and treated…
- The greenwall of Ferla (Wall2Water) is one of the demo site of the Nawamed project. The Living Wall…
- The APOC system is considered an integrated system that treats wastewater, both black and grey…
- Innovative wastewater treatment system, combining grey (UASB reactor, UV disinfection) and green (…
- FIA is a system of parallel drainage trenches placed between rows of various trees and/or shrubs…
- Waterose is a student-led social entrepreneurship initiative aimed at promoting the reuse of treated wastewater of small wastewater treatment plants that are currently underutilized, especially in…
- The Living green wall LGW is a system for treating grey water, recycling it in toilet flushes after disinfection and reusing it to irrigate an edible garden. Grey water is the water used for showers…
- Water scarcity causes food insecurity and will hamper the energy supply, which are the two main factors of social stability. Water in the countries of the Mediterranean basin is rare and spreads…
- Promotion of the integration of Non Conventional Water Resources in the national water management framework, with a specific focus on rainwater harvesting and stakeholder engagement.
- The experimental activity aims to verify the potential of the membrane gas extraction technique for the recovery of high-purity concentrated ammonia solution from the centrate of an anaerobic…
- Sludge is used for ammonia stripping in the pilot WWTP, the plant is also equipped with a system for energy recovery through biogas cogeneration, which allows it to produce large amounts of…
- Desalination plant of brackish groundwater, extending membrane’s lifetime with innovative treatment and using photovoltaic panels for energy supply. Fresh water is provided to the people of the…
- In the proposed system, greywater from showers, baths and wash-hand basins is collected and treated using heterogeneous TiO2 photocatalysis.
- The greenwall of Ferla (Wall2Water) is one of the demo site of the Nawamed project. The Living Wall implemented in Ferla (Sicily) treats greywater (from sinks) produced by the middle school Istituto…
- The APOC system is considered an integrated system that treats wastewater, both black and grey water, mostly at community, or even larger, scale, particularly promising for decentralized treatment…
- Innovative wastewater treatment system, combining grey (UASB reactor, UV disinfection) and green (constructed wetland) infrastructure for treating and reuse wastewater from a touristic island. The…
- FIA is a system of parallel drainage trenches placed between rows of various trees and/or shrubs species equipped with an innovative Passive Treatment System consisting of a layer of inert materials…
- Waterose is a student-led social entrepreneurship initiative aimed at promoting the reuse of treated wastewater of small wastewater treatment plants that are currently underutilized, especially in…
- The Living green wall LGW is a system for treating grey water, recycling it in toilet flushes after disinfection and reusing it to irrigate an edible garden. Grey water is the water used for showers…
- Water scarcity causes food insecurity and will hamper the energy supply, which are the two main factors of social stability. Water in the countries of the Mediterranean basin is rare and spreads…
- Promotion of the integration of Non Conventional Water Resources in the national water management framework, with a specific focus on rainwater harvesting and stakeholder engagement.
- The experimental activity aims to verify the potential of the membrane gas extraction technique for the recovery of high-purity concentrated ammonia solution from the centrate of an anaerobic…
- Sludge is used for ammonia stripping in the pilot WWTP, the plant is also equipped with a system for energy recovery through biogas cogeneration, which allows it to produce large amounts of…
- Desalination plant of brackish groundwater, extending membrane’s lifetime with innovative treatment and using photovoltaic panels for energy supply. Fresh water is provided to the people of the…
- In the proposed system, greywater from showers, baths and wash-hand basins is collected and treated using heterogeneous TiO2 photocatalysis.
- The greenwall of Ferla (Wall2Water) is one of the demo site of the Nawamed project. The Living Wall implemented in Ferla (Sicily) treats greywater (from sinks) produced by the middle school Istituto…
- The APOC system is considered an integrated system that treats wastewater, both black and grey water, mostly at community, or even larger, scale, particularly promising for decentralized treatment…
- Innovative wastewater treatment system, combining grey (UASB reactor, UV disinfection) and green (constructed wetland) infrastructure for treating and reuse wastewater from a touristic island. The…
- FIA is a system of parallel drainage trenches placed between rows of various trees and/or shrubs species equipped with an innovative Passive Treatment System consisting of a layer of inert materials…